Human vs. Machine Translation

Machine translation is a computerized process that uses algorithms to translate words, phrases, and sentences from one language to another. It’s been used for several decades and has significantly improved in recent years. With the help of machine translation, people can communicate with each other in their native languages.

Human vs Machine Translation, which is better? 

First, let’s compare four standard forms of translation.


Machine Translation

Several years ago, it was largely thought that machines would never be able to translate human language with 100% accuracy. But nowadays, thanks to the ever-growing field of machine translation, this is no longer the case. Many experts believe that machines will eventually be able to translate human speech with an accuracy rate of 95%. There are several reasons why machine translation is often preferred over human translation, including speed, accuracy, and cost. 


PEMT – Machine Translation & Human Proofreading

PEMT – post-editing machine translation, can help translators to produce high-quality translations in less time by combining two important aspects: Machine Translation (MT) and Human Proofreading.

MT is a computer-aided translation technology that uses software to translate text from one language to another automatically. While MT has come a long way in recent years, it still cannot completely replace human translators, and that’s where proofreaders come in.

Proofreaders play a vital role in the translation process by checking MT translations for accuracy and ensuring they are correctly formatted and punctuated.


Human Translation

The translation is a complex process that requires fluency in both languages and a deep understanding of the cultures involved. Humans can understand the nuances of language and culture, which machine translation cannot replicate. Translators capture the sentiment of the text and the intention of the original writer. Translators also build a relationship with the reader by using their knowledge about the subject and tone of voice.


Human Translation With Proofreading

Human translation with proofreading is a process whereby a human translator translates text from one language to another, and then a proofreader checks the translation for any errors. Proofreading is an integral part of the translating process and is the final step to ensuring that the content is free of errors and mistakes. The careful checks allow for the highest quality writing, which is why it’s crucial to have a human proofreader on board.



Machine translation, while often accurate, still struggles with translating human language perfectly. This is due to the complexities of human language and the many ways in which it can be used. In addition, machine translation relies on algorithms that are not perfect and can sometimes produce inaccurate translations. 

Human translation with proofreading is considered to be of high quality in the world of translations. A human translator has the ability to understand nuances of language and grammar that may be lost in translation, which can lead to better quality translations. A proofreader checks for errors in the translation that the translator may have missed.

The risk of using machine translation is too great for companies, and it may lead to embarrassing mistakes and harm the company’s image. Always apply your own human judgment and intuitive sense above any machine translation proclaiming extraordinary capabilities.

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